Householders have been left baffled after receiving a letter outlining plans to rename an Oxfordshire village as 'Pooh Village'.

The letter, which had no name and just a signature, outlined plans to rename Dorchester village.

One villager, who wishes to remain anonymous, was confused after receiving the letter.

They said: "It seems they want to build a theme park in our much loved peaceful village.

"I think this is wrong."

Complete with a Pooh Bear 3D logo stuck to the top, the letter read: "I thought it was opportune to send you another update on the progress of our plan to rename Dorchester Village, Pooh Village."

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The letter sent to residentsThe letter sent to a resident (Image: Contributed)

It continued: "I have attached a miniature model of the huge Pooh Bear logos that will be mounted on the large entrance arches over the road in and out of the village."

The letter also spoke about moving on to "phase two" of expanding the village territory to become the "UK's answer to Disneyland".

"Our backers remain committed to this venture. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing all of you enlightened ones at our next meeting," it read. 

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Mike Corran, chairman of the Dorchester Parish Council, said the letter is a prank. 

Robin Bennett, south Oxfordshire district councillor for Dorchester, added: "It doesn’t sound real to me."

Mr Bennett also said the Poohsticks Championships takes place every year near Dorchester at Sandford Lock on the River Thames between Littlemore and Kennington.  

The game Poohsticks was made famous by fictional bear Winnie the Pooh and involves competitors throwing wooden sticks off a bridge into the river.