A former Youtuber and a satirical election candidate have taken part in a comedic debate at the Oxford Union.

Caspar Lee, who has over 6.5 million subscribers on YouTube and more than two million on Instagram, took part in the debate in favour of the saying "fake it 'til you make it". 

The debate, which took place on September 2, lasted for more than nine minutes.

Mr Lee, who is best friends with Joe Sugg and best known for being a YouTuber, has previously spoken out about his anxiety on his platforms.

"I'm literally faking not to be nervous right at this very moment," he said as he opened the debate. 

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"To get over my nerves I'm imagining Count Binface taking a massive s***," he joked, followed by the camera panning to the election candidate. 

Wearing a velvet suit and a bow tie, the investor was met with laughs throughout his speech, which was the fifth of six speeches.

In favour of the motion, he argued that "Steve Jobs faked it to start Apple, and therefore why shouldn't we all?"

Count Binface, a comedic candidate who went up against Rishi Sunak for his Yorkshire seat in the General Election, also did a speech on the same day. 

The last person to make a speech in the comedic debate, Count Binface argued in opposition of the motion of "fake it 'til you make it".

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He argued that there is no need to fake it, as there is nothing like the real deal.

The Oxford Union, which was established in 1823, is said the to be the world's most prestigious debating society.

The full debate can be watched in full on YouTube.

About the author  

Charlotte joined the Oxford Mail in April 2024. 

She studied Multimedia Journalism at Bournemouth University. 

Charlotte has a particular focus on the Bicester patch and writes for the Bicester Advertiser as well as the Oxford Mail.

She can be found on X by searching @charcolesjourno.