The latest court cases in Oxford Magistrates' Court:


MARK BRANDISH, 42, of St Clements Street, Oxford, pleaded guilty to drug driving in Oxford on September 30 last year in Garingston Road as well as driving a vehicle without insurance. He was fined £1,000 and had 10 penalty points added to his driving record. There were court costs of £690. There was no disqualification due to mitigating circumstances. There was a victim surcharge of £400.

STEVEN COX, 48, of London Place, Oxford, pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating on July 28 this year and one count of assaulting an emergency worker, namely a police officer, on the same day in Oxford. He was jailed for 26 weeks. There were no orders for costs.

STUART GORDON, 34, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to one count of burglary other than dwelling. On August 28 this year he trespassed into St Peters College student accommodation and stole a television to an unknown value. He was jailed for 40 weeks. There were no orders for costs.

LEW ODIGIE, 39, of Brigstocke Road, Bristol, pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating on August 18 this year in Oxford. He was given a 12 week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. He was also made subject to a curfew and will need to complete up to 15 days of rehabilitation activity. There were court costs of £46.

LEON THOMPSON, 29 of Mortimer Road, Oxford, pleaded guilty to religiously/racially aggravated harassment in Oxford on October 14 last year. He was fined £1,442 and ordered to pay £100 in compensation. There were court costs of £839.

KEVIN DORAN, 54, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud by false presentation after using a stolen bank card to make a gain for himself. He was jailed for six weeks and ordered to pay £30 in compensation. There were no orders for costs.

ZACH FERRIGNO, 29, of Middle Assendon, Henley, pleaded guilty to drug driving in Beaconsfield on July 11 last year as well as failing to answer to court/police bail as soon as practicable on August 8 this year. He was disqualified from driving for three years and fined £600. There were court costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £240.