A 10-year-old is set to become the youngest ever girl to cycle from London to Paris.

Mimi Ward, from Middle Barton, will be attempting the challenge in aid of Dravet Syndrome UK, a charity that supports her cousin Dominic and others like him.

Mimi will start her journey on October 2, taking the longer of the main routes used in the challenge.

This will see her take on the 460 kilometre, or 285 mile, ride over four days.

Mimi WardMimi Ward (Image: Mike Ward)

Dominic is eight and was born with Dravet Syndrome, a rare and life-limiting form of epilepsy.

He has endured hundreds of seizures since he was a baby, and his family are continually seeking better management, seizure control, and ultimately, a cure.

Mimi said: "I wanted to do something to help Dom Dom and others like him.

"He really doesn’t deserve what he has to go through. He’s such a loving, caring, and fun person.

"I’ve been training really hard for this, and although I’m a bit nervous, I’m feeling good and I’m confident I can do it."

Mimi's mum, Tamara Ward, who will be cycling alongside her daughter, added: "It’s such an important cause, those families that live with a person who has Dravet Syndrome support them through daily seizures and that can happen up to 200 times a day.

Mimi WardMimi Ward (Image: Mike Ward)

"It’s hard to understand how the care required impacts the life of the person with the condition and the family of those around them.

"This is an epic challenge and I’m apprehensive doing it with Mimi but I know that if any 10-year-old can do it, Mimi can."

The challenge will see Mimi cycle from Greenwich Park, London, to Dover on day one, a distance of 135km with an elevation of 1,437m, before crossing to Calais on the ferry.

Day two will see her cycle from Calais to Abbeville, a distance of 125km with 1,131m of elevation.

Day three is from Abbeville to Beauvais, 103km and 869m of elevation, and the final day from Beauvais to Paris is 97km with 785m of elevation, with Mimi finishing at the Eiffel Tower.

In total, she will cover 460km with 4,222m of elevation, and will be joined by her mum, and friend and experienced cyclist, Marcus Gamble-Shields, whose son, Finn, also has Dravet Syndrome.

Galia Wilson, chair and trustee of Dravet Syndrome UK, added: "We are delighted that Mimi and Tamara have decided to take on this incredible challenge to support Dravet Syndrome UK.

"The funds raised will help us to continue our work to help more families like Dominic’s by providing support, education and investing in research."