Police have said 'old school' advice on how to keep your car from being stolen still applies despite many thefts involving keyless vehicles.

A Thames Valley Police alert said "a number of cars were stolen from driveways, roadsides and private property in general" last year.

Officers from the TVP West Oxfordshire and Cherwell areas issued the alert, which gave advice such as hiding valuables, moving keys from the front of the house and parking under street lighting.

But, it said, the issue is that a modern car "can be started from over the road via a laptop and taken, quite often without the owner's knowledge".

However, a steering wheel lock, foot pedal locks and handbrake and wheel locks were still useful in preventing theft.

PCSO Moulding said: "Once your car is unlocked digitally and started, the last thing any thief wants to do is dismantle a lock placed on or in the car.

"This is time wasting and likely unexpected from the technical thief. In one such case the owner found their car running on the driveway, never to be taken due to the internal locks placed on the steering wheel and the pedals.

"So for an extra layer of security and at a good budget, time to think old school."