A MOTHER set fire to a Christmas tree whilst her children were at home during a ‘stressful’ time in her life, a court has heard.

Hannah Davies, 35, was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Thursday (September 5) after pleading guilty to one count of simple arson.

She was charged after setting fire to a small felt tree in the lounge of her home in Saxton Road, Abingdon on December 18, 2022 whilst her children were upstairs.

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The mother-of-five was due to stand trial after denying arson with intent to endanger life or being reckless as to whether life was endangered but the Crown Prosecution Service decided to drop the charge.

(Image: Google)

During the sentencing, it was heard that ‘an associate’ of Davies had become concerned after she uploaded several pictures to her Snapchat account with alarming content.

In one picture, Davies had written: “As much as I love you, do you realise I will do time. She won’t forget me. He won’t get custody.”

Davies also mentioned that if ‘she couldn’t have her children, then one else could’ as well as references to prison.

A third post, a short six second video, showed a Christmas tree burning at the Sovereign Housing-owned property with the text: “Try me”.  

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Davies associate called police but they didn’t attend the address until the following day by which time the fire had been put out. However, they did note the smell of smoke.

The court heard that the mother has no previous convictions had had been struggling with a personality disorder at the time.

She had self-referred herself to Turning Point, an Oxfordshire charity, for help with alcohol issues after her arrest.

Sentencing Davies to a community order, Judge Hassan Khan said: “It’s clear to me at the time that you were under a lot of stress, I’ve no doubt about that.

“I’m deeply sympathetic to your situation. I’ve read about the difficulties you were operating under at the time.

“I understand the pressure you may well have been under at the time. But…you could have put yourself and your five children at harm but I know that’s not what your intention was.

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“It’s not an easy job looking after five children by yourself with very limited funds but also at the same time looking after others.”

He ordered Davies to complete six months of mental health treatment and 10 days of rehabilitation activity.

Refusing to order her to pay a fine, Judge Khan said: “I consider it unjust, I’m not going to impose another burden on you.”