A FATHER turned to a life of criminality after his partner allegedly smothered their eight-month-old daughter to death, a court has heard.

Thomas Garrity has been in and out of prison since 2019 for several offences including a number of thefts and drug offences.

The 35-year-old blames his offending on a Class A drug addiction was born out of the grief he felt when his daughter was reportedly killed by his ex-partner a number of years ago.

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He was back in Oxford Crown Court on Wednesday (September 4) where he was jailed for theft.

During the hearing, it was heard that the homeless defendant had been charged with one count of theft after stealing six bottles of Beefeater gin and a bottle of coke from a Waitrose store in Botley Road.

On September 12 last, he told two staff members he would ‘stab them’ whilst stealing the alcohol at just after 9am.

One staff member claims they saw Garrity with his hand in his pocket and ‘saw the shape of something sharp’ but cannot be sure if he had a knife.

Garrity was arrested two days later and made full admissions in court.

He had nine convictions for 23 offences and is currently serving a 24-week sentence and was due for release at the end of this month for a dissimilar offence.

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The theft had also occurred at the end of his licence period as he had recently been released from a 10 month prison sentence for a similar offence when he threatened store staff with a knife.

Defending Garrity, his barrister Peter du Feu said the cause of his offending was his Class A drug addiction and homelessness.

He also explained about his client’s tragic history, telling the judge: “He formed a relationship and had a daughter and the daughter died at eight months.

“His partner had significant mental health issues and she smothered the daughter.”

He added that his client has had a difficult life but is looking at prison as a ‘positive opportunity to change up his act’.

“He’s going to make the very best of it as he can,” said Mr du Feu. “He hopes he will get it together and get back to his pre-2019 life.”

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Judge Ian Pringle sentenced Garrity to 27 months in jail.

“I hope in that time that the progress you’ve made in prison continues,” he said. “And when you get out you’re able to deal and put your drug addiction behind you.”

The defendant thanked Judge Pringle before he was taken back to the cells.