A dog show will be held this weekend to raise awareness about organ donation.

The fundraising event will take place on Sunday, September 8 at Spider Park on Keble Road in Bicester.

The show has been organised by Caroline Sofroniou from Bicester, who has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) alongside Danon Disease, an extremely rare heart condition that has been passed down throughout her family.

READ MORE: Bicester mum organises event for organ donation awareness

Caroline Sofroniou and Jayden-Sean are on a mission to raise awareness about organ donation and to raise money for a mechanical heart (Image: Contributed)

Nearly all of her family members that were diagnosed have passed away, but due to organ donation Ms Sofroniou and her 10-year-old son, Jayden-Sean, are the only survivors.  

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Starting at noon, the show will offer a variety of awards, including 'best dog'.

Those wanting to register their dogs for the awards need to be there for 11am. 

It will cost £3 per dog per class, or £5 for three classes, with all money raised going to Great Ormond Street Hospital to help fund a mechanical heart.