The gifts and donations made to MPs in Oxfordshire have been revealed.

MPs are required to declare their financial interests within 28 days of the start of a new Parliament.

They must also disclose any gifts or benefits they receive that could be reasonably considered to influence what they say or do as MPs, and newly-elected MPs must disclose any relevant financial interests from the year prior to their election.

Gifts such as tickets to football games and concerts were also declared as well as costly overseas visits by several MPs. 

READ MORE: Oxford: Gifts and benefits accepted by MPs revealed

The figures show Liberal Democrat MP for Didcot and Wantage, Olly Glover, declared a total of £66,262 in gifts and donations for last year.

Of this, £65,000 were in donations, £443 in gifts and benefits and £819 to pay for visits overseas.

Liberal Democrat MP for Bicester and Woodstock, Calum Miller, received £64,500 in donations in the last year, and Liberal Democrat MP for Witney, Charlie Maynard, received £24,000 in donations in the last year.

READ MORE: Oxfordshire guesthouse goes viral in hilarious TikTok

Freddie van Mierlo, Liberal Democrat MP for Henley and Thame, received £49,100 in donations in the last year.

Labour MP for Banbury, Sean Woodcock, received £15,000 in donations in the last year.

In total across the country, 498 MPs reported donations they received out of the 650 MPs who were elected.

Labour MPs received the highest amount, totalling £9.3 million, followed by the Liberal Democrats with £3.2 million, and the Conservatives with £1.7 million.