Artist and TikTok star Sophie Tea painted a mirror she bought from an Oxfordshire charity shop and raffled it off to 90 fans at an art event.

Ms Tea, who has over 1million followers, surprises fans with visits to different charity shops across the country every Friday, turning secondhand treasures into stunning pieces of art.

She then sells the masterpieces on to lucky customers for the same price she originally purchased it for.

As with all her ‘Charity Shop Friday’ adventures, she kept fans on their toes by announcing her visit on Friday (August 31) on the day itself via her social media channels.

(Image: Blue Cross)

In the past 10 weeks she has visited Bristol, Worcester, London, Hertfordshire, Solihull and Exeter.

Around 90 visitors made it to the Blue Cross charity shop within the two-hour slot to await her arrival.

Ms Tea, who has a gallery in London's Carnaby Street, said: “I started ‘Charity Shop Fridays’ because I wanted to give back in a fun and creative way.

"There’s something so special about turning an everyday item into a piece of art that someone can cherish for ever.

"And it really helps to shine a spotlight on small charity shops which are run by such hardworking staff and volunteers.

"I have had the best time getting to meet everyone from all different parts of the country and learning more about the valuable work they do.”

Ms Tea painted a mirror she bought in Witney which was won in the raffle by Laura Clark.

She then stayed at the store and drew on about 60 items people had bought there.

Shop manager Susan Palmer said: “We were all over the moon to have Sophie Tea visit our little shop in Witney, it was such an amazing day where we welcomed new crowds to the shop, which helped raise some more money for the pets in our care.

"Sophie is such a great talent, and her visit created such a buzz in our community.”