“IT was so unusual I got away with it that I kept doing it,” said a man who pretended to be his imprisoned brother to rent three Kia vehicles in Oxfordshire.

Christopher Smith, of Aldebarton Drive, Headington, was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Monday (September 2) after pleaded guilty to one count of possessing/controlling identity documents with intent.

The 42-year-old had been using his brother’s driving licence whilst he was in prison to rent three different Kia vehicles between May 5 and December 8, 2022.

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Judge Nigel Daly sentenced him to an 18-month community order.

During the sentencing, it was heard that Smith had rented the cars on May 5, July 14, and August 16.

His brother, Tyron Smith, was in prison at the time so the defendant used his licence in the absence of his own as proof of identity when applying to rent the vehicles with Kia.  

It is unknown why he did not have another form of identification.

Defence barrister Peter Du Feu explained that Smith had rented the first vehicle because he needed to get to a funeral.

However, he stated it was ‘so unusual’ that he ‘got away with it’ that he decided to keep doing it.

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“There is no blush about it,” said Mr Du Feu. “He took a chance to get to someone’s funeral. It seemed easier than it should be so he kept doing it.

“He didn’t damage the cars and he paid for them."

The court heard the Smith as ‘a lot’ of previous convictions but none of a similar nature.

His barrister explained that his client ‘has a decision to make’.

“He wants to change,” he said. “He said he’s got the cannabis use under control and the drinking. He really doesn’t want to go to prison.

“He’s thoroughly fed up and bored with being arrested, being convicted, and going to prison.”

It was heard that the defendant is also a freelance painter and decorator and has been ‘willing to work’ when it has been available.

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Smith was also ordered to complete 30 days of an accredited programme and 11 rehabilitation activity days.

He will also need to complete 80 hours of unpaid work and a victim surcharge will apply.

Sentencing Smith, Judge Daly said: “You have got a lot of previous convictions mainly involving drugs but there are other types of convictions most of them are quite old and I do note that you have been out of trouble for some time now.

“This was a stupid thing to do.”