Oxfordshire is the most affordable camping destination in the UK according to new research.

Credit card company Aqua has uncovered the best and most affordable camping spots across the nation.

It analysed the number of walking trails and campsites in each area as well as average costs, rainfall and temperature.

Oxfordshire came out on top for affordability, with a tent pitch in the county costing £37 for a two-night stay on average.

It also ranked among the best overall camping destinations, coming in at number eight with more than 500 walking trails and an average August temperature of 17C.

Sharvan Selvam, commercial director at Aqua, shared tips on how to enjoy a camping holiday on a budget.

She said: "Saving for a holiday is a great way to ensure peace of mind before your trip.

"By planning ahead, you can better estimate your expenses, including travel, food, shopping, and campsite costs.

"Additionally, setting aside a ‘just in case’ fund for emergencies allows you to relax, knowing you have a financial safety net."

Other affordable camping locations include Dumfries ad Galloway, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, the Lake District and Shropshire, the research found.

Overall, the Scottish Highlands was crowned the best camping location, with more than 1,000 walking trails, nine campsites and only 55mm of rain, on average, in August.

It was followed by Hampshire, Yorkshire, Northumberland, Kent and Devon.