THE sentencing of a young man caught with a 20cm blade while selling cannabis has been delayed.

Jacob Milne-Davies, 24, of Westbury Crescent, Oxford, appeared at Oxford Crown Court on Thursday (August 29) charged with two counts.

During the hearing, he pleaded guilty to one count of possession of a Class B drug, namely cannabis, with intent to supply in Oxford on June 4, 2021.

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Milne-Davies previously pleaded guilty to one count of possession of a bladed article, namely a knife in Barns Road, Oxford, on the same date.

The court heard he had possession of the 20cm blade in relation to the drug dealing.

Milne-Davies has previous offences for drug dealing, including Class A drugs, but none of possession of a blade, the court heard.

An application was made to adjourn the case in order for a pre-sentence report to be obtained about the defendant.

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His barrister, Peter De Feu, said his client was not keen on a psychological report but hopes that the young man will ‘fully cooperate’ with the probation service.

Judge Maria Lamb granted the adjournment for the report to be produced but indicated that ‘all options are very much open’ when it comes to sentencing.

Milne-Davies has been granted bail while the report is sorted out and must return to the higher court on October 25 for his sentencing.