A BARBER shop owner has been ordered to pay more £2,500 after hairdressing material was found dumped near Buscot.

Emin Isitmen, 23, trading as Highworth Turkish Barbers in Swindon, pleaded guilty at Oxford Magistrates’ on August 23 to two charges relating to the unlawful deposit of waste.

It was heard that black bags containing large quantities of barber’s hairdressing material and cardboard packaging had been found on land along Snowswick Lane in November 2023.

(Image: Vale of White Horse District Council)

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The packaging featured address labels for a property nearby in Highworth, registered to Highworth Turkish Barbers, owned by Isitmen.

Investigating officers from Vale of White Horse District Council attempted to engage with Isitmen on several occasions but without reply. 

When they were eventually able to speak to Isitmen, he claimed that he had passed the waste to a friend to dispose of but then failed to provide any contact details for them.

(Image: Vale of White Horse District Council)

Following Isitmen’s lack of engagement and failure to provide any records relating to the waste, the council’s legal team began prosecution proceedings.

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Sentencing, the District Judge told Isitmen that he had been ‘very silly not to engage with the council’.

Isitmen was fined £1,200 and ordered to pay £871 in costs and a £480 victim surcharge.

Councillor Mark Coleman said: “All business owners must ensure that their waste is disposed of…anyone who fails in their duty of care risks a criminal record and a fine.”