An outdoor pool and splash pad in Wallingford will stay open for a week longer than initially planned.

Instead of closing on Sunday, September 1, the Riverside outdoor pool and splash pad will now remain open until Sunday, September 8.

The outdoor pool and splash pad are managed by GLL on behalf of South Oxfordshire District Council.

Councillor Georgina Heritage, cabinet member for communities, said: "I’m really pleased we can keep this popular facility at Wallingford Riverside open for longer to fit in with the good weather and to coincide with schools returning.

"Whether you’re coming for a daily swim, want to sit back and enjoy the sunshine or splash around on the splash pad you can now visit up until Sunday, September 8.”

Kevin Williams, GLL partnership manager, added: “Knowing how popular the outdoor pool and splashpad are with the local community and with a positive weather forecast for the coming week, it made total sense to extend the summer opening season and give residents and visitors the chance to have water-based fun, in the open air during the last days of summer.”

Significant funding has gone into the Riverside in recent years. There have been improvements to the campsite, pool, toilet and wash facilities and a makeover of the splash pads, which has proved popular over the last two seasons.