A badly potholed road is finally due for resurfacing after an 18 month wait.

Ralegh Crescent at Deer Park in Witney will be closed from September 24 for microsurfacing works.

The works are anticipated to be finished on September 27.

Conservative district councillor Thomas Ashby has repeatedly pressed Oxfordshire County Council for action since it first confirmed that patching works would be undertaken in February 2023.

He was left bewildered when only half of Ralegh Crescent was given surface improvements that June.

The council said it was because the road was being considered for a trial of its ‘micro asphalt’ programme - a cost-effective and convenient method of resurfacing which protects surfaces for around 10 years.

Disappointed residents said the road needed long-lasting repairs.

Mr Ashby said: "Residents are rightly angry that our roads are in such a sorry state of disrepair, and if millions of pounds hadn't been wasted on 20mph signs - even on roads with a dead end -  then I believe we'd see better road surfaces.  

"Our roads in Witney have really been on the decline since this anti-car council took over, so it's time that they finally listened to real people, here in Witney, and fix our roads and stick to their promise of re-surfacing Ralegh Crescent."