SEVERAL inquests have been opened at Oxford Coroner’s Court.

Area coroner Nicholas Graham opened three inquests at the court on Friday (August 23).

Alan Clack, 89, of Newland Nursing Home, Witney, died on August 9 at John Radcliffe Hospital.

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The former agricultural clerk suffered a fall at home the day before his death and was admitted to hospital.

His medical cause of death has been provided as acute subdural haemorrhage, fall and frailty.

A full inquest into his death will take place on December 18 at 12pm.

Robert Krykant, 69, of Ballard Chase, Abingdon, died on July 27 at The Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington.

The court heard he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and had undergone chemotherapy following which he developed complications.

His medical cause of death was provided as multi-organ failure, neutropenic enterocolitis, and multiple myeloma with hepatic amyloidosis treated with chemotherapy.

A full inquest will take place into his death on December 18 at 2pm.

Michael Hallam, 73, of Dashwood Road, Banbury, died on August 12 at Katharine House Hospice in Banbury.

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The court heard he had a recent diagnosis of mesothelioma.

A medical cause of death for the former plumber was given as sarcomatoid mesothelioma, asbestos exposure, and ischaemic heart disease.

On September 6 at 10am, a full inquest will take place into his death.