IT was smiles all around at Wallingford School this morning (August 22) as GCSE students picked up their results.

Teenagers across the county were opening their brown result envelopes to discover their results after their end of Year 11 examinations earlier this year.

Students at the St George’s Road secondary school were pleased and excited with crowds of students gathered around celebrating.

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Rowan Wakerley, 16, achieved six 9s, two 8s and one 7 and hopes to become a veterinary surgeon one day.

(Image: NQ)

He said: “I was kind of nervous when I opened the results, the 0 in maths I did not expect. To get 9s in all three sciences as well was amazing.

“I was nervous as I had a dream I got a 2 so it’s really nice to get the 9s, I’m so happy.”

He is staying on at the school’s sixth to study biology, chemistry and textiles and has already contacted his dream university in London to check which A-level he needs to become a vet.

Bethan Hooper, 18, achieved four 9s and the rest of her results were 8s. She was most pleased with her 9 in history.

(Image: NQ)

“It was okay, I thought it was fine,” she said. “History is my favourite subject and I am doing it for A-level so I wanted to do best in that.”

READ MORE: School preps for GCSE results after A-level success

She will studying history, English literature and psychology at the school in the next academic year.

Her advice is: “Do revision little and often as people burn out quite early.”

George Plant, 16, achieved two 9s, four 8s and three 7 with his highest grades being in french and chemistry.

(Image: NQ)

“Beforehand I didn’t think about it but as I opened them I was really nervous,” he said. “I was probably most pleased with literature and language as they were my least favourite subjects so I was over the moon to get those.”

George is staying at the school for sixth form but has not yet made a decision on which subjects to take.

Marta Jani, 16, achieved four 9s, four 8s, and two 7s and said she was ‘shocked and happy’ after opening her results.

(Image: NQ)

“I wasn’t expecting to do so well,” she said. “I was just really relieved.”

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Marta is staying at the school to study French, history and English literature and hopes to one day have a career in law.

Rohan Clark, 16, also did well in his results, commenting: "I got better than I thought - I was pretty happy with them.

(Image: NQ)

"I got a 9 in history. I did one of the questions wrong so had to change it and the timing was bad.

"So it was better than I expected but really stressful"

He is staying on at the school to study double maths, chemistry and biology.

The heads of year commented: “We’re just so proud of them. They didn’t do a full academic year until Year 9 and then it was straight into GCSEs.

“They all did so well and with a big smile on their faces.”