A student at a school in Oxfordshire today (August 22) celebrated achieving straight 9s in her GCSEs.

As  year 11 students across the county collected their results, Elizabeth Griffin at The Cooper School in Bicester was emotional and surprised as she opened hers. 

She achieved straight 9s, equivalent to A*s, in every single GCSE subject - despite facing challenges in her personal life this year.

"[GCSEs were] quite stressful because lots of stuff has happened this year and I've really struggled with sleep throughout the period, so I was expecting quite bad," she said. 

"I thought it was going to be a lot worse because I freaked out in quite a few exams and felt I didn't really live up to my full potential, so I'm very happy and very surprised."

READ MORE: Oxford basketball team ball out with amazing GCSE results

Ms Griffin described year 11 as a "full on year" after facing family losses among other challenges, on top of "endless revision".

"I've been solidly revising all year, and not doing much else," she said. 

Upon open her results, Ms Griffin said she was "very shocked" and "not expecting it".

"I felt like I was going to cry instantly - I'm still shaking."

MS Griffin will stay at The Cooper School sixth form to study English Literature, Drama and History at A-Level.

"I'm elated, so happy and shocked," she said.