Young performers have the chance to take part in a Cinderella pantomime this Christmas.

Didcot's Cornerstone Arts Centre in calling on youngsters aged between nine and 16 to be part of the show.

Two teams of junior performers are needed, who will rotate performances throughout the show's run from December 18 to December 31.

Auditions will take place on Saturday, September 14, with auditions for nine to 11-year-olds from 2pm to 3.30pm and auditions for 12 to 16-year-olds from 3.45pm to 5.15pm.

Councillor Georgina Heritage, cabinet member for communities at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for local young people to experience the joy of theatre and be part of a beloved Christmas tradition.

"I encourage all aspiring young actors to take a chance and audition at Cornerstone, for what promises to be a truly magical production."

Auditionees, who do not need to prepare anything in advance, will find out within two weeks if they have been successful.

Daniel Bell, producer at KD Theatre Productions, which is working with Cornerstone to find young performers for the show, added: "This is a unique opportunity for young performers to be part of a professional production, working alongside experienced actors.

"It's an incredible chance for them to develop their skills, gain real stage experience, and contribute to a show that will captivate audiences this Christmas in Didcot."