An outdoor swimming pool in south Oxfordshire has announced it will be extending its pool season by a week. 

The heated outdoor pool and splash park at Riverside Park and Pools in Wallingford has officially extended its outdoor pool season until September 8.

The pool would usually close on September 1, but due to the good weather and the timing of schools returning, this has been extended by a week. 

The announcement was made today (August 21) in a post on Facebook. 

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Cabinet member for communities at South Oxfordshire District Council and councillor Georgina Heritage said: “I’m really pleased we can keep this popular facility at Wallingford Riverside open for longer to fit in with the good weather and to coincide with schools returning.

"Whether you’re coming for a daily swim, want to sit back and enjoy the sunshine or splash around on the splash pad you can now visit up until Sunday, September 8.”

The first swim of the 2024 season at the pool, which is located adjacent to the River Thames between Crowmarsh Gifford and Wallingford, took place on May 25.