Students celebrated as A-level results saw the majority getting to their first-choice destination.

Jamie Bush, from Wood Green School, is set to study chemistry at Durham University after achieving an A* in maths, an A in chemistry and physics and a B in French.

He said: “I am quite relieved, it went quite well.

“It’s a bit of a weird feeling [waiting for the results], it’s quite strange. But saying that I was out like a light.

“I had a dream the other night that I opened my exam results and I got 50 per cent.”

Archie James, who will study maths at Sheffield University after taking a gap year, said: “I think the exams went well, product design was harder than I expected. I didn’t expect an A in physics.

“It has been pretty suspenseful.”

Wood Green School saw 42 per cent of students achieving A* to B grades and 98 per cent achieving A* to E.

Headteacher, Robert Shadbolt said: “The vast majority of students here have got their first choice destination which is really exciting.”

GCSE results will be released tomorrow (August 22).