PLANNING approval has been granted for a new five-storey extension to be built at the John Radcliffe Hospital to accommodate a new modular theatre.

The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust submitted the planning application to Oxford City Council in September last year.

Plans include an extension at the northern edge of the hospital, in Headington, on top of an existing car park.

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The new elective theatre is to ‘cater for patient demand’ with seven new theatre rooms and a basement.

(Image: The trust)

Oxford City Council approved the plans on Friday (August 16).

In a design and access statement, produced by Cater Jonas on behalf of Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, it shows the plans included a new dedicated link corridor for access to staff and patients in the West Wing building.

The new theatre will include ‘seven new elective theatres with procedure rooms and associated admissions and recovery space in a ‘high quality and safe environment’.

There will also be a ‘basement shell space’ with the potential for ‘new sterile services facility’ if required in the future.

It will be built over an existing car park which is adjacent to the hospital’s trauma building. Someone the parking will be retained as well as access to the ambulance bay.

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A total of 136 car parking space will be lost but a ‘car parking management strategy’ is in place including encouraging staff to use public transport.

The statement reads: The site was selected by The Trust on the basis that it can sufficiently accommodate a building of five storeys plus a basement, with the ability to align with, and be physically connected to existing hospital buildings.

“The proposed development will provide a hub to support Oxfordshire but also the wider ICS region.

“The development will primarily respond to the significant, existing patient demand for theatre space, but is also required in response to a national drive to reduce elective recovery waiting times.”

(Image: The trust)

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In the proposed layout of the new building, the basement will be for theatre support services, level one and two will be theatre space, level three will be a plant, level four and give will be the ‘future phase of clinical inpatient accommodation’.

The conclusion of the plans read: “The building will address the significant deficiency that has been identified in the capacity of elective recovery spaces within the hospital and to address existing patient demand.

“Thus, the proposed expansion will provide a necessary infrastructure to support the capacity gaps across Oxfordshire and the wide ICS region.”