A JURY has heard a police transcript involving a man accused of sexually abusing a seven-year-old girl when he was a teenager.

Ashley Day, 25, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with two counts of child sex abuse which allegedly started taking place in 2015 in Carterton.

He is accused of kissing a girl and forcing her to touch his penis – which he denies.

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Day has been charged with one count of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity on at least 20 occasions as well as one count of sexual activity with a child under 13.

The defendant, of Bellenger Way, Carterton, denied the offences. He is expected to tell a jury he ‘doesn’t know’ if the girl was sexually abused but it was not him.

During the trial on Wednesday (August 14), the jury were read out a transcript of a police interview with day about the alleged assaults.

He was interviewed on September 4, 2022 at Witney Police Station and the interview was voluntary.

It was heard that the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was aged seven when the alleged abuse started and Day would have been 16.

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Police asked Day if he knew the girl and how he would describe his relationship with her.

He said: “Yeah, it was good. I always thought we got on well and yeah.” [sic]

When asked how he would describe her ‘personally’, Day said: “She was caring, I thought, really.” [sic].

Officers then went into detail about the allegations, stating the girl reported he had been in her bedroom on several occasions and kissed her and made her touch him.

Day denied the allegations, repeatedly saying: “No.”

When asked if he had ever kissed her, he said: “Not unless it was a cuddle of a kiss on the forehead or a kiss goodnight.”

He was asked if he believed anything he did could have been misconstrued by the complainant for something sexual. Day said no.

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Day was always asked why he had been setting alarms for 3.30am or 4am in the night – when the girl alleges the offences took place.

He told police: “I have bladder issues which you can see in my medical records. I used to set an alarm, I still do now.

“It was to go to the toilet or if I didn’t need the toilet I would go back to sleep. Potentially, I might not get through the night [without the alarm].”

The trial continues this week.