The latest court cases in Oxford Magistrates' Court:


JOSHUA MORGAN, 27, of Boswell Street, Bristol, pleaded guilty to two counts of stalking involving fear of violence between January 9 and April 4 this year in Duckington, Witney of two different people. He also pleaded guilty to breaching a non-molestation order made at Oxford Family Court on February 7 this year by attending an address in Duckington he was prohibited from attending and making threatening and abusive communications between February 2 and April 4. He was given a 16 week prison sentence, suspended for 24 months. He was also made subject to electronic monitoring and has to complete 30 rehabilitation activity days. He will also need to complete 10 days of an accredited programme. There were court costs of £85.

LANCE SIMMONS, 38, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting an emergency worker – namely two police officers – on June 7 this year in Oxford. He was jailed for 20 weeks and ordered to pay £200 in compensation. There were no other orders for costs.

COSTICA MUNTEAN, 25, of Ashville Avenue, Birmingham, pleaded guilty to one count of theft from a shop. On July 23 this year, he stole items to the value of 730 euros from The Post Office. He was given a 20 week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months and ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to return the money. There were court costs of £85.

JOSHUA MORGAN, 27, of Mina Road, Bristol, pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating in Witney on December 2 last year. He was given a 16 week prison sentence, suspended for 24 months. He was also made subject to electronic monitoring and will need to complete 10 rehabilitation activity days. He was also made subject to a restraining order. There were no orders for costs.

CSABA VASZILY, 48, of Parkside, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, pleaded guilty to driving on London Road, Oxford on October 28 last year without third party insurance. He was disqualified from driving for 28 days and fined £487. There were court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £195.

CARL-LAI FISHER, 34, of Blenheim Road, Northolt, Ealing, was found guilty of drug driving in Pleck Lane, Chinnor on October 17 last year. He was disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined £500. There were court costs of £1,000 and a victim surcharge of £200.