A primary school near Wallingford has received a £500 donation thanks to supermarket customers.

The funds were donated to Ewelme C.E Primary School as part of Tesco's Stronger Starts Grant scheme, with contributions made by customers in Didcot, Goring, and Cholsey.

This money has been allocated to the school's forest school, which aims to foster a strong connection with nature in students.

Ewelme C.E Primary School's forest schoolEwelme C.E Primary School's forest school (Image: Tesco)

The Stronger Starts grants award funds to charities and community organisations that make a positive difference in the lives of children and young people.

Stephanie Pereira, a member of Ewelme C.E Primary School's parent-teacher association, said: "Forest school is the highlight of every student’s week.

"It’s always wonderful to see them learning and growing in such a positive environment."

Ewelme C.E Primary School's forest schoolEwelme C.E Primary School's forest school (Image: Tesco)

The forest school offers activities like insect exploration, nature crafts and marshmallow toasting.

Ms Pereira added: “We’re thankful, not just to the lovely villagers who allow us to use their land for the forest school sessions, but also to the thoughtful customers at Tesco for choosing Ewelme."

The school sent Tesco a letter, saying they wanted to "send a huge thank you for the amazing donation".

The school's thank you letterThe school's thank you letter (Image: Tesco)

Claire De Silva, head of community at Tesco, said: "When we received the lovely thank you letter from the pupils at Ewelme, we could see the community donation really meant a lot, and it made us realise why the Stronger Starts grants are so important.”