South Oxfordshire residents are being urged to "love your area" as part of an anti-litter campaign this summer.

"Love your area - bin your litter, don't drop it" is the message from the South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse District Councils.

Their campaign is aimed at tackling the issue of littering in parks and streets, especially over the summer period when more people will be eating and drinking in outdoor public spaces.

A banner in AbingdonA banner in Abingdon (Image: South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils)

Councillor Sam James-Lawrie, cabinet member for environment at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: "Litter can really spoil our public areas and make them look unwelcoming, but we know that when people take pride in their town or village they are less likely to drop litter, and places which are clean and tidy benefit the wellbeing in the local community.

"Our campaign aims to encourage that feeling of caring for the area where you live."

The councils are installing banners on the same theme in public areas in Abingdon, Botley, Didcot, Faringdon, Henley, Thame, Wallingford and Wantage.

Posters have been given to takeaways for window displays, signage will be found at public events and parishes are encouraged to place posters on public noticeboards.

New signage will also encourage people not to drop cigarette butts and to report overflowing bins, rather than adding to the problem.