A fresh warning has been issued that dog owners who fail to clear up after their pet will be prosecuted and could face a fine.

West Oxfordshire District Council said dog fouling is "unacceptable, not only because of the mess it creates but also due to health risks".

A statement from the council said: "Failure to clear up dog fouling on public land is a criminal offence, and anyone found neglecting this duty can be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

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“Any fouling in a public place should be removed using a suitable plastic bag and then disposed of either in the owner’s household waste bin or in one of the public waste bins."

Anyone who is concerned about an area that is badly affected by dog fouling has been urged to contact the district council.

It comes after Witney Town Council issued a statement in response to a growing number of complaints it received about increasing amounts of dog mess in Windrush Cemetery and Town Hill Cemetery.

These reports are “particularly sensitive and upsetting”, the statement said, adding that "there are plenty of bins in the cemetery, and all dogs must be on leads".

“Let’s respect the cemetery and its purpose," it said.

The statement added: "It is crucial for dog walkers to clean up after their pets regardless of the location.

"Don’t assume it’s acceptable to leave it in an isolated field or hidden in long grass.

“Please avoid walking or exercising your dog in designated children’s play areas and prevent your dog from pooing on marked sports pitches."