Construction work to create new bus lanes and cycle routes on a roundabout on a main route into the city has been completed.

Construction work on the Kidlington Roundabout which cost £4.9million began on January 8.

Among the changes a new reduced speed limit of 30mph has been introduced on the roundabout and its approaches.

There are new signalised crossings on Bicester Road, Oxford Road south and Frieze Way plus new shared use walking and cycling paths and improved lighting.

There is also a new bus lane on Bicester Road southbound which links with the bus lane on the eastern section of Kidlington roundabout.

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The roundabout is near Stratfield Brake where Oxford United proposes building its new stadium.

Members of the project team and councillors (Image: Oxfordshire County Council)

Councillor Judy Roberts, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for infrastructure and development strategy, said: “I am delighted to see the completion of this project, which dramatically improves safety and connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians.

"The new signalised parallel crossings on Bicester Road, Oxford Road south and Frieze Way make a real difference to people on foot and cycling.

"With these and the new bus lanes, we are preparing for the significant growth expected in the Cherwell district, with some 22,000 homes planned by 2031 and just under 5,000 of those within a two-mile radius of this roundabout."

It completes the North Oxford corridor improvements programme to improve access to the city centre.

The other two parts were improvements to two different sections of the A44 - between the Loop Farm roundabout and the Cassington Road roundabout and between the A34 Peartree interchange and the Loop Farm roundabout.

The programme has been funded through the government’s Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions from developers.