With the warmer weather finally here, an expert has shared what wildlife to look out for in Oxfordshire this summer, and how to spot it.

Ecology and arboriculture consultancy, Arbtech, have identified butterflies, deer, bats, birds and bugs as some of the creatures to look out for.

During the summer, comma, peacock and marbled white butterflies can be found in woods, meadows, gardens and parks.

Roe, red and fallow deer can be seen in the long grass and woodlands, especially in the morning and evening.

Arbtech advises moving slowly and quietly to avoid startling these timid creatures.

To increase the chance of seeing common pipistrelle, Daubenton's and noctule bats, people are encouraged to stand still in areas free from light pollution, including forests and bushy hedgerows.

The hum of swallows, stock doves and blackcaps can be heard during the warmer days.

To spot them, people should come well-equipped with binoculars and a knowledge of bird songs.

Arbtech also suggested looking for bugs such as woodlice, millipedes, caterpillars, ladybirds, bees, and butterflies, which can be under large stones or on leaves and flowers.

Andrew Richards from Arbtech said: "This guide hopes to offer inspiration to explore and appreciate both local and new areas to discover nature.

"Connecting with our surroundings can considerably boost our mental well-being, as well as being a way to celebrate these fascinating species."