A DRUG dealer has been jailed for almost three years after being caught selling cocaine and cannabis in Bicester.

Ryan Smith, 29, was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Friday (August 2) with one count of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug, cocaine, and one count of possession with intent to supply a Class B drug, cannabis.

The dealer was caught in Haydock Road, Bicester on May 20 this year selling drugs from his car.

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Recorder Alexander McGregor sentenced him to two years and 10 months imprisonment, meaning he will miss the birth of his child who is due in two months time.

During the sentencing, it was heard that officers had been patrolling the area when they saw a known drug user leaning into a vehicle.

They decided to stop and speak to the driver, who was the defendant, who admitted at the scene to being a user of cannabis.

However, they decided to search the vehicle with the help of a police dog and drugs were found in hidden compartments.

There was a hidden compartment in the steering wheel wiring and under the gearbox. A mobile phone was also found and was identified as being a county line drug line ending in the numbers ‘7038’.

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He refused to provide the pin number for the county line phone and also a second mobile which was found in his possession.

Smith’s home, where he lives with his partner and children, was also searched and drug paraphernalia including scales and plastic bags was found inside a suitcase.

A total of 113.94g of cocaine was discovered and 23.56g of cannabis.

The court heard that Smith, of Dunkley Court, Buckingham, has seven convictions for 10 offences including a conviction and caution for being concerned in the production of cannabis.

Defending Smith, his barrister told the court that her client has ‘expressed his sincerest apologies’ for committing the offences.

She said: “It was one of the first things he said when I spoke to him. He repeatedly stated he knew it was stupid and he never should have done it and will never do it again.”

It was heard that Smith, who was a plasterer, had sold the drugs ‘out of desperation’ as his employer had not been paying him and he was struggling financially.

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His defence barrister added that he has been struggling with his mental health and has made attempts on his life while in custody.

Smith has also been diagnosed with ADHD and autism.

He will now serve half of his sentence before being released on licence.