A NAKED man has been spotted hiding in bushes near an Oxfordshire canal, police say.

Thames Valley Police is now appealing for witnesses to an incident of indecent exposure in Thrupp.

On Monday, (July 29/7), a woman in her 60s walking her dogs on Canal Road towards Kidlington saw a man only wearing underwear.

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A short while later, at about 10.45am, the woman saw a man and a woman, both described as being aged in their 50s or 60s, on Canal Road, who warned her of a naked man in the woods nearby.

Around 30 minutes later, the woman saw a naked man crouching behind a bush by the canal on Canal Road who then walked off.

Another woman, described as being in her 20s and walking three dogs, was also there.

The offender is described as 'white, approximately 6ft tall, around 50-60 years-old, of slim build, with short, light-coloured hair, possibly with a side parting'.

PC Abbie Collier said: “We are appealing for witnesses to this exposure incident to please come forward.

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“We would particularly like to speak to the three people who either spoke to the victim or may have witnessed the naked man.

“Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

“All reports of exposure offences are dealt with seriously and robustly by police. If you witnesses an indecent exposure, you should call us immediately on 999. This is a crime in progress and so it is appropriate to use our emergency line.”