There is a growing number of complaints of dog fouling in Witney including in the town’s cemeteries.

Witney Town Council has issued a statement urging owners to pick up their dog fouling in public places.

It said that the increasing amounts of dog mess in Windrush Cemetery and Town Hill Cemetery are “particularly sensitive and upsetting”.

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“There are plenty of bins in the cemetery, and all dogs must be on leads while in Tower Hill or Windrush Cemetery,” the statement said.

It added: “Let’s respect the cemetery and its purpose.

“Remember that it is meant to be a place of reflection and remembrance, and ensure that no visitors are distressed by careless dog owners who do not clean up after their pets.”

The council said that dog owners can be fined for not clearing it up but added “it’s such a quick task that there is no valid reason for not doing it”.

A statement from Witney Town Council said: “It is considered one of the most unacceptable and offensive types of litter in our public spaces.

“It’s a significant issue for many, including dog owners, not only because of the mess it creates but also due to health risks.

“For these reasons, it is crucial for dog walkers to clean up after their pets, regardless of the location. Don’t assume it’s acceptable to leave it in an isolated field or hidden in long grass.

“Please avoid walking or exercising your dog in designated children’s play areas and prevent your dog from pooing on marked sports pitches."