People living in Wallingford have a final chance to have their say on 20mph speed limits being introduced in the town. 

The public consultation for 20mph speed limits being introduced on a number of roads is closing this Friday (August 2).

The county council website says: "Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle.

"To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel."

After the consultation the county council will review the responses and, if necessary, prepare a report to be presented to the cabinet member for highway management, Andrew Gant at a meeting scheduled for later this year. 

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This will be public meeting and the council website says members of the public may apply to speak.

This consultation follows a previous consultation on proposals for a 20mph speed limit within Wallingford, which were put forward in October and November 2023.

According to the council, at a cabinet meeting in December, the majority of these proposals were approved.

However a reassessment by officers of the roads originally proposed to remain at 30mph was suggested, requiring subsequent further consultation and approval.

Therefore, the council is putting forward refined proposals which seek to amend the previously approved town-wide 20mph speed limit by extending the limit outwards to points on Castle Street and Shillingford Road, Hithercroft Road, Reading Road and Winterbrook, The Street, Wantage Road, as well as Winterbrook Lane.

The public consultation can be found here.

South Oxfordshire District Councillor for Wallingford, James Barlow has been vocal online about his support for the speed limits being introduced.

(Image: Ed Nix)

He said: "I fully support a 20mph speed limit for Wallingford - one that extends out to the ring road on Wantage Road, Hithercroft Road and Reading Road/Winterbrook, and that starts North of Norries Drive on Shillingford Road.

"We must make our roads as safe as possible for the most vulnerable – pedestrians, mobility scooter users, cyclists, scooters – and reducing the speed limit is a proven way of doing this.

"It is of note that Wallingford Town Council voted for this."

Mr Barlow urged people to share their views before the deadline. 

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"If you feel similarly, please do clearly state this, and of course if you don’t please do share your views with Oxfordshire County Council via the consultation too," he said. 

"Over the last year I’ve enjoyed having conversations around town about this, listening to, and learning from the different perspectives shared.

"I’ve heard hope that this measure, if adopted, would also reduce traffic in town, since it will make google maps more likely to divert users on to the ring road, improve air quality, and reduce global-heating-related carbon emissions."