Cherwell District Council is collecting the public's views on swimming sessions across the district.

The council has teamed up with Legacy Leisure to gather information to help to shape future programmes.

The public can give feedback until August 9. This will support the council in identifying what is working well and where improvements can be made.

The council said: "We value your views and would be grateful if you would take a few moments to complete this survey below."

It added it is "exploring ways to improve our support service within the district and would like to know your views".

Swimmers' views are important to the council as this data assists in reviewing services and, if necessary, reversing decisions that are not serving the community effectively.

After the survey is completed, the information will be used by the council's wellbeing team to make changes to develop a "more effective and fit for purpose service".

The council says it is "committed to be open", which could include quoting extracts from responses in its report.

To obtain a printed copy of the questionnaire, or to ask any questions about the consultation, contact the wellbeing team by emailing or by calling 01295 221 980.

Any personal information shared as part of the consultation will only be used for the purpose mentioned in relation to the consultation.