TWO Thames Valley Police officers who restrained a 24-year-old man in a hospital, and who later died, have been found to have committed gross misconduct.

PCs Martyn Jones and Daniel Simson – both based at Milton Keynes police station - faced a disciplinary hearing, headed by an independent legally-qualified chair, which concluded on Friday (July 26).

The Independent Office for Police Conduct investigation found that PC Jones breached the police standard of professional behaviour relating to use of force, with both officers found to have breached the standard of duties and responsibilities.

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PC Jones has been dismissed without notice. He will also be placed on the policing barred list, preventing him from future employment with any police force. PC Simson has been given a final written warning that will stay on his file for five years.

The hearing was told that Brian Ringrose had been arrested on January 27 ,2021 and was taken to Milton Keynes University Hospital after the officers were told he had swallowed a large quantity of tablets and appeared unwell.

He remained under police guard and was later medically discharged into the care of police to be taken to custody.

PC Jones and PC Simson put Mr Ringrose in a wheelchair to transport him to their police car but he came out of it and was restrained by officers on the hospital floor, with handcuffs and limb restraints applied.

PC Jones had control of Mr Ringrose’s arms and was raising them up behind his back as he lay face down on the floor.

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The officers called for support and three more officers arrived to assist the restraint.

Mr Ringrose was later transported to the police van by officers using a Flexible Lift and Carrying System (FLACS). Upon being placed into the van, officers noticed that Mr Ringrose was unresponsive. Mr Ringrose was removed from the van, and officers administered CPR.

He was returned to the hospital where he was placed in an induced coma. Mr Ringrose died in hospital on February 2, 2021.

The police disciplinary panel found that PC Jones used excessive force on Mr Ringrose when restraining Mr Ringrose’s arms.

It found both officers kept him restrained in a prone position for an excessive period of time, failed to continually monitor him while restrained and re-assess his condition and failed to provide prompt medical assistance.

IOPC regional director Charmaine Arbouin said: “Our sympathies remain with the family and friends of Brian Ringrose and all those affected by this incident.

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“Police officers are only allowed to use the minimum amount of force required in any situation they face.

“The pathologist gave the cause of death as restraint combined with drug toxicity, and an inquest will be held to investigate this further.”

An inquest hearing into Mr Ringrose’s death is set for March 2025.