THE medical cause of death of an Oxford University student who died at a local beauty has been confirmed at an inquest opening.

Wesley Agbor-Ashu Akum-Ojong died on June 21 after celebrating the end of his exams with friends and jumping into the river near Port Meadow.

The 19-year-old went missing at first but was later pulled from the water and rushed to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington.

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He was pronounced dead at 9.34pm that day.

(Image: Wesley Akum-Ojong/Brasenose College)

An inquest opening at Oxford Coroner’s Court on Friday (July 26) heard that his medical cause of death has been provided as 'drowning'.

Mr Akum-Ojong, of Dewberry Street, Aylesbury, has been studying politics, philosophy and economics at Brasenose College and was in his first year.

In a blog he had been writing, published on the college website, he described university as being the ‘best period’ of his life so far.

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He wrote: "So much has changed, and I’ve made so many great memories. It feels both like I arrived just yesterday but also as if I’ve been here for years.

"There really is no place like Brasenose. Sometimes I forget I go to *the* Oxford University everyone is always talking about. Even after two terms, living and studying here feels surreal.”

A date for a full inquest to take place has been set for October 31 at 11.15am.