Newly-elected Oxfordshire MPs have been asked why they are continuing in their roles as councillors.

Freddie van Mierlo, Calum Miller and Sean Woodcock represent the Henley & Thame, Bicester & Woodstock and Banbury areas respectively.

This comes as the two Liberal Democrats and Labour MP won their seats from the Conservatives in the General Election in June. 

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The basic annual salary for an MP is currently £91,346, plus expenses - which can be claimed for factors such as to cover the costs of running an office and employing staff, and maintaining a constituency residence or a residence in London.

County hall.County hall. (Image: Ed Nix.)

Additional salary is paid for appointments or additional duties, such as ministerial appointments, being a whip, chairing a select committee or chairing a Public Bill committee.

As county and district councillors, those in the role also receive 'allowances' which for Mr van Mierlo, a Liberal Democrat, was £1,113 per month as of February this year and for Mr Miller, also a Liberal Democrat, was the same amount.

Mr Woodcock served as Labour group leader on the district council for which he also received an allowance - he has since stepped down from the leader role but is staying on as a councillor.

Sean Woodcock.Sean Woodcock. (Image: Cherwell District Council.)

Mr van Mierlo told us: "I am fully committed to serving residents in my role as county councillor for Chalgrove and Watlington until the next local elections in May 2025. 

"Over the past three years I have championed local causes and furthered key projects in Chalgrove, Watlington and the surrounding villages.

"I will continue to work hard to ensure the success of these projects and campaigns over the next nine months.

"Boundary changes mean that the Chalgrove and Watlington division will cease to exist at the next election and will be split three ways.

Freddie van Mierlo.Freddie van Mierlo. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

"Because of this I have come to the view that it is not in the best interests of residents to elect a new councillor for such a short period of time for a division that will no longer exist at the next elections."

Mr Woodcock disputed any claim that he held two jobs for pay. He did not deny that he will still serve on Cherwell District Council.

Mr Woodcock said: "I have one; as a member of Parliament. Since being elected on 5 July, I have given up any council allowance and taken no other money of any kind. This can be confirmed, in writing, by the chief executive of Cherwell District Council.

"As such, I have one job, member of Parliament for Banbury."

Mr Miller said: "I will continue as a county councillor for Otmoor until the scheduled elections in nine months time (May 2025).  Over the last three years, I have been working on initiatives with communities and addressing issues for individuals in Otmoor that I am keen to see through. 

"During my time as a county councillor, I have served in the cabinet of the county council and, more recently, run a general election campaign. I have also continued as a school governor and a volunteer junior rugby coach. I am used to working hard while still delivering for residents in Otmoor and this period will be no different.

"I have written to all the parishes and residents associations in Otmoor division to explain that I may be in London when they meet but that I will either join them virtually or send them a written update before each meeting. 

"I will continue to participate in county council meetings whenever I can, or arrange a substitute where this is not possible. On Friday 20 July, when I was not required in Parliament, I was glad to take my place at the Performance and Corporate Oversight Scrutiny Committee of the County Council."

It is not uncommon for politicians to take on more than one political role as many county councillors also have roles on their district council and receive allowances for both positions.

Calum Miller.Calum Miller. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

Mr Woodock, Mr van Mierlo and Mr Miller's victories in their constituencies were seen as historic as they won in areas otherwise typically seen as Conservative strongholds.

The MPs also represent the following council divisions/wards:

Sean Woodcock - Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown (Cherwell District).

Freddie Van Mierlo - Chalgrove & Watlington (County council).

Parliament.Parliament. (Image: Other.)

Calum Miller - Otmoor (County council).

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About the author

Noor is the Local Democracy Reporter for Oxfordshire who covers political stories from across the county. 

She began working as a journalist in Oxford in September 2023 having graduated from the University of Oxford.

Noor was trained at the News Associates journalism school and can be found on X through the handle @NoorJQurashi