With the Paris Olympic underway, a Witney care home has held its own version of the games.

Residents and staff at Millers Grange invited locals to join them for the event as part of The Big Care UK Sports Day.

The initiative has seen more than 130 Care UK homes across the country open their doors to show what life in a care home is like through hosting sports days.

Millers Grange's community sports dayMillers Grange's community sports day (Image: Care UK)

The event started with an opening ceremony announced by Town Cryer, Jean Postlethwaite-Dixon.

Guests had the chance to win their own gold medals as they competed in events including egg-and-spoon races, basketball and ball pong.

They also enjoyed a barbecue prepared by the home’s head chef, alongside live entertainment from acoustic performer Cody.

Alison Parry, home manager at Millers Grange, said: "It was lovely to welcome the local community to join in on our sporting celebrations.

"We are part of a strong community here in Witney, and days like this are a fantastic way to bring us all together for a little healthy competition and to celebrate this year’s summer of sport, all while showcasing exactly what life is like at Millers Grange.

“There was plenty of laughter and enjoyment for all involved and it was great to see residents meet and mingle with lots of new faces - and some familiar ones - while keeping active. We’re certainly ready for the Olympics now.”