A site manager at a development near Bicester has been recognised as one of the best in the UK after winning a top housing industry award.

Robert Ewers of Heyford Park and his colleagues Dan Kimber and Will Foley won a Pride in the Job 2024 Quality Award from the National House Building Council.

The award recognises exceptional site managers and is considered the industry benchmark.

Mr Ewers said: "This is such a fantastic achievement for not just myself, but the rest of my site team at Heyford Park who do a brilliant job day in, day out.

"The team is focused on working to the highest industry standards, and together we can celebrate this great award."

The judging process considers six areas - consistency, attention to detail, leadership, interpretation of drawings and specifications, technical expertise and health and safety.

More than 8,000 sites participated, but only 449 winners emerged, representing the top five per cent of UK site managers.

Steve Wood, CEO at the National House Building Council, said: "For more than four decades, Pride in the Job has underpinned the National House Building Council’s purpose of raising standards in house building.

"The competition recognises the UK’s top site managers, showcasing best practice and rewarding excellence."

Mr Ewers will now go on to compete for Seal of Excellence and Regional Awards in the autumn.