An Oxford primary school has achieved impressive Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) results - a year after the arrival of new leadership.

St Barnabas C of E Primary School achieved 90 per cent in maths and 84 per cent in reading, significantly higher than the national averages of 73 per cent and 74 per cent respectively.

The results come after the school received a 'requires improvement' rating from Ofsted in May 2023.

It has since appointed a new head, deputy head, several new teachers and some new governors.

St Barnabas C of E Primary SchoolSt Barnabas C of E Primary School (Image: Google Maps)

Headteacher, Beccy Harris, who joined at the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year, said: "These results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and staff.

"We implemented a completely new strategy focused on high academic standards, a supportive and enriching school culture, and sound financial planning.

"This holistic approach has paid off, and I couldn't be more proud of our community."

Also, in both maths and reading, 42 per cent of the school's pupils were rated to be working at a 'greater depth', which suggests they have understanding and skills which exceed what is expected of someone in their year group.

This is twice the typical national level for achieving greater depth.

David Hall-Matthews, the new chair of governors, said: "When we set out to transform the school, we knew it would require a collective effort and a shared vision.

"Our outstanding SATS results reflect the commitment and resilience of everyone involved.

"It's a clear indication that our new approach is working and that St Barnabas is on a solid path forward, while retaining the nurturing, happy culture for which the school is known."

A parent, Deena Priest, added: "The changes at St Barnabas have been incredible.

"The staff are really engaged, the students are motivated, and the overall atmosphere continues to be positive and nurturing.

"It’s great to see the children thriving academically and personally in this new environment.

"These SATS results are just the beginning of what I believe will be a continued success for the school."

Year 6 teacher Jules Christie also joined the school during the 2023/24 academic year.

She said: "The school has a clear vision and a strong focus on best practice.

"These SATS results are proof that our efforts are making a difference. I am excited to continue contributing to the school's ongoing success."

The school's new holistic focus promotes a positive environment, encouraging every student to reach their full potential while becoming "adventurous, wise, and encouraging" - symbolised in the school’s new vision to "create ‘AWEsome’ individuals".