A fundraising campaign has been launched to allow a festival to take place at an Oxfordshire abbey.

St Birinus Festival 2024, scheduled to take place from October 31 to November 3 at Dorchester Abbey, near Wallingford, is set to feature a variety of musical events.

It will take place around the principal liturgies of All Saints and All Souls and will include Vespers, Compline, Mass and Matins each day according to the 1962 missal.

The festival will feature performances of Gregorian chant with sackbuts and cornetts, as well as music from the Renaissance era.

Highlights will include Gabrieli’s grand Mass for up to 16 voices and instruments, and the Lassus Requiem.

A GoFundMe page has been set up with a target of £4,000, and it has so far raised £565.

Costs associated with organising the festival are "significant". Organisers said "anything you can spare for this project would be greatly appreciated".

The money will go towards expenses including the hiring of professional musicians as well as providing them with lodge and board, feeding the choir and clergy, other clergy expenses and printing music and booklets for attendees.

Those who donate can send a message with the names of those who they would like to be remembered in the Canon of each Mass, the living for All Saints and the departed for All Souls.