A primary school teacher has crocheted her class of 30 children as an end of year gift.

Sara Shabir, a teacher at Tyndale Community School in East Oxford, started the project in May and unveiled it as she said goodbye to her class today (July 24).

The mini work of art took her about eight hours per doll and about 240 hours altogether.

She said: "The idea came from me just wanting to do something special and exciting for my class whom I adore.

"I learned to crochet - self-taught - during the Covid lockdown and have been creating things since then, so I wanted to push myself and make these dolls to build my own skills as a crocheter.

"I enjoy giving myself little projects to work on."

Ms Shabir has this year taught seven and eight year olds in Year 3.

She said: "They loved their mini-me's!"