A planning application for a solar farm that required more 'disruptive' works on Botley Road has been withdrawn.

Energy firm Green Nation has dropped its plans to build Red House Solar Farm at Farmoor, said Vale of White Horse District Council.

The 150-acre facility would create enough renewable energy to meet the annual electricity needs of approximately 9,000 homes per year, developers estimated.

But Cumnor Parish Council objected to the "inappropriate development" in the greenbelt with no special justification and said it would harm views to and from Oxford.

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It said: "The project also conflicts with numerous provisions of the NPPF, the Local Plan and our Neighbourhood Plan concerning protected views, heritage, biodiversity and ecology, flood risk and drainage."

Proposed site of Red House Solar Farm outlined in red (Image: Cumnor Parish Council)

Green Nation also applied to Oxford City Council for permission to install an underground cable from near Botley Bridge along Botley Road to the electricity substation at Ferry Hinksey Road.

Cumnor parish council said: "Digging up that road to lay the cable would inevitably give rise to yet another period of at least partial closure of that road, further disrupting our residents’ access to Oxford."

Julian Le Vay, of residents' group West Oxford Access, who launched a petition calling for more support for businesses impacted by the closure of Botley Road, welcomed the withdrawal of the project.

The major road into Oxford has been closed to vehicles since April 2023 as part of a scheme to expand the city's railway station.

Earlier this month Network Rail confirmed that it will not reopen in October as planned due to "highly complex" pipework.

It is yet to confirm a new date for reopening.