Wolvercote residents are furious that the Godstow Bridge has closed for the second time for more 'emergency gas repairs'.

Godstow Road was closed on Sunday, July 14 with an anticipated reopening date of July 23 by gas company SGN.

The company also closed the bridge for a similar period last November.

Liberal Democrat city councillor Jo Sandelson, who represents Wolvercote, said: "Closing the bridge for this length of time effectively cuts residents off from their day to day lives in the rest of the city and beyond.

Godstow Road has been closed for emergency gas works (Image: Andrew Gant)

"Late on Monday night after a work meeting, myself and another resident had to walk home from Upper Wolvercote over the bridge in a downpour.

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"After 10 minutes we were drenched. How much worse it will be for those with young children, the elderly and unwell in need of essential transport?"

She added: "We understand when it occurs once, but by the second time in eight months, surely Network Rail should have sent in specialist engineers to detect vulnerabilities and reconstruct the pipework accordingly?"

However, there was good news on Friday as gas company SGN confirmed it had finished the work early.

Dan Brown, spokesperson for SGN insisted the "urgent repairs" to its gas network at Godstow Bridge had been necessary.

He said: "For everyone’s safety, the road needed to be closed to motorists while we replaced steel valves which had deteriorated.

"All required repairs were completed today and the road will now reopen.

"We appreciate utility works can be frustrating for residents and road users, but this essential work will ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas is delivered to local properties."