Today marks the commencement of residents moving into sustainable homes in Hook Norton.

These eco-friendly dwellings, allocated following criteria set by the Cherwell District Council and Hook Norton Community Land Trust, usher in a fresh era of affordable and green living.

A portion of the homes will be allotted next week.

Among the first settlers is artist Rachel Cronin, 45, who, after being let go from her job, was compelled to reside with her parents in her quest for affordable lodgings in the village.

Ms Cronin said: "It's very visionary really, when it comes down to the way the houses are built, their sustainability, their eco-credentials—it's how we should be building houses.

"I am thrilled to be moving in this weekend.

"I'm also looking forward to the reduced monthly utility bills, thanks to the high level of insulation, the latest MVHR technology, and the innovative microgrid which will guarantee lower electricity costs."

Helen, another new resident, said: "This means everything to me—it provides the security of a proper home for both me and my daughter.

"Now, we have a home for life, and I’ll never have to subject my daughter to that uncertainty again."

Cathy Ryan, chair of the Community Land Trust, said: "We've been working towards this moment for six and a half years so it means the world to us to see people finally moving in."