More than 270 staff are set to move from working for a company owned by three district councils by the end of the year.

West Oxfordshire District Council, Cotswold District Council and Forest of Dean District Council are to consider next steps in taking greater control of their individual council services. 

More than 270 employees are set to return from Publica Group – a company jointly owned by the three councils - to direct council employment by the end of the year.  

Publica was established in 2017 to to share skills and resources across a wide range of council services ranging from customer services and planning to back-office functions including IT and finance.  

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Six years after it was formed, an independent review of the model was carried out.

Two independent reports recommended that a significant number of locally focused services such as planning, economic development and community support, should be directly delivered by the councils.

This would enable the councils to better tailor local services to their individual areas.  

The changes would leave Publica delivering a smaller range of services for the councils such as IT, customer services and benefit payments. 

The proposals being considered by the councils in July are for a first phase of employee transfers with a second phase due in early 2025.

The first phase includes more than 270 employees. 

If the proposals are given the go-ahead, employees would be consulted in September before a proposed transfer in November.

The majority of employees affected will be subject to what is known as a ‘TUPE transfer’ meaning their roles would transfer directly to the councils with protections to salaries and other employment benefits. 

In a joint statement, the leaders from the councils said: “Every partnership must evolve to meet new challenges and now is the ideal time to make sure that as individual councils we are fit for the future. 

“Our councils, and the backdrop of local government, have changed significantly over the past six years.

"To meet the current and future needs of our communities we need to take greater control of the local services we deliver, so each council can take an approach best suited to its communities.  

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“Moving services into direct council control will give us more choice and options on how we can find the most cost-effective way to maintain and improve the council services that people rely on.

"It will form part of wider plans to meet the challenge of significant budget reductions facing local government.

“We will still share some services within the Publica model meaning we will have services run locally for local communities which will be supported by an established shared services partnership to maximise efficiency.”  

“While this may mean a change for some staff, the vast majority will see their jobs transferred back to being under council employment. 

"We will work hard to support staff through the transition.”