A swan has lost its lifelong partner after it was attacked by a dog at Witney Lake.

Since the attack, only one swan and the cygnets have been seen in the area.

This is deemed to be very unusual as swans will almost always stay together as they mate for life.

A search for the missing adult swan has not been successful and the likelihood is that it was killed in the attack.

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Witney Town Council said it is in touch with Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue which is helping search for the missing mate.

A town council statement said: "In the meantime please be incredibly careful, and keep dogs on leads around the Witney Lake.

"This attack was entirely avoidable.

"Dogs act instinctively and as owners it is important to be aware and keep local wildlife - and your own pets - safe from sudden attacks and prevent dogs entering the river which is heavily polluted with sewage."