Building customer loyalty and brand trust is essential for business success. Implementing a white-label card program is an effective strategy to achieve this. Wallester provides a comprehensive white-label solution designed to help businesses across various industries. But what exactly does Wallester offer and what are its benefits?

What is a white-label card?

A white-label card solution is a branded card issued by a company featuring its own logo, design, and details. These cards can be prepaid, debit, or credit cards and can be physical or virtual. They allow businesses to offer financial products and services using an established company’s infrastructure.

Wallester’s white-label card solution manages the entire process, from card issuance to production and delivery. This allows businesses to focus solely on their branding and customer experience, leveraging Wallester’s expertise.

(Image: Wallester)

Wallester also has a Wallester Business wing for issuing corporate cards for companies that do not need deep integration and white-label solutions

The key features and benefits of a white-label card solution like Wallester’s

White-label cards offer numerous advantages. Here are the essentials:

Customizable Design

A standout feature of Wallester’s white-label card solution is its high level of customization. Businesses can select their own design, and Wallester handles the rest. This then means that the financial product meets all requirements. Companies can choose to issue both physical and virtual cards, catering to a range of customers.

(Image: Wallester)

Physical Cards

Wallester provides branded plastic or metal cards. These fulfill customer requirements for companies seeking to produce financial products. The customization of these cards helps increase brand awareness, making them effective tools for customer engagement.

Virtual Cards

Virtual cards enable online and contactless transactions without delay. They can be issued instantly and integrated into almost any business model, offering flexibility and convenience.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

Offering a card with the company’s logo and branding significantly boosts brand awareness. Every cardholder becomes a brand ambassador, using and showing the card in various settings. This visibility helps to spread recognition and attracts potential new customers.

Brand Loyalty

Wallester’s white-label cards are designed to drive and enhance brand loyalty. Businesses can use them to offer exclusive benefits, for example, which can help convert casual customers into loyal ones.

With the ability to monitor card operations and analyze customer spending, companies can tailor their services to better meet customer needs, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Easy Integration

Wallester’s white-label card solution integrates seamlessly into existing financial systems quickly and easily. With built-in software and data programs, businesses only need to incorporate it into their existing systems. This easy integration reduces the time and effort required to launch a native card program, allowing businesses to quickly start enjoying the benefits.

The Ultimate Benefit: Security

(Image: Wallester)

Security is a concern for all businesses. Thankfully, Wallester’s white-label card solution is designed with advanced security features that ensure all transactions are safe, secure, and compliant with industry standards. Here’s how Wallester prioritizes security:

1. Tokenization

Wallester enhances card security using tokenization technology. Tokenization replaces sensitive card data with unique symbols that retain essential information without compromising security. This means actual card details are never exposed during transactions, significantly reducing the risk of fraud and data breaches.

2. 3D Secure

This authentication protocol adds a layer of extra protection for Wallester’s online transactions. During a transaction, the cardholder will have to verify their identity through an authentication step like a password or a one-time code sent to their mobile. This helps prevent unauthorized card use.

3. Fraud Monitoring

Wallester’s cards offer real-time transaction monitoring. The system analyzes transaction patterns and flags anything suspicious. As this is done in real-time, it means potential threats can be actioned immediately.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with industry regulations is crucial for any business dealing with money. Wallester ensures the business using the white-label cards is fully compliant with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

Industries that can use a white-label card solution

Wallester’s white-label card solution is suitable for a huge range of industries. This includes:

  • Consumer and business loan providers – this can enhance financial processes for businesses.
  • Banks – a ready-to-use, branded card that can easily be integrated into existing systems.
  • FinTech companies – a customizable payment tool that can readily complement existing IT systems.
  • Travel Agencies – these cards can simplify payment processes and enhance experiences for customers.
  • E-commerce marketplaces, gift and reward cards, membership and loyalty cards – they offer flexible options that can be tailored to specific business needs.

Key Takeaways on Wallester’s White-Label Card Solution

(Image: Wallester)

Wallester’s white-label card solution offers essential benefits for businesses:

Improved Operational Efficiency

Cards are automatically issued and integrated into existing systems. Admin is reduced and programs can be launched quickly.

Customizable Designs and Advanced Security

Designs can be tailored to brand identities all while being extremely secure thanks to tokenization, 3D Secure, real-time fraud monitoring, and regulatory compliance.

Increased Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty

White-label cards create loyalty with exclusive cardholder benefits and also provide valuable insights into customer behaviour.