“I FELT so stupid and embarrassed,” said a woman accused of engaging in sexual activity with a teenage boy near Oxford.

Tracey Charlesworth is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with two counts of being an adult engaging in sexual activity with a boy and one count of being an offender 18 or over engaging in penetrative sexual activity with a boy.

The 60-year-old has denied the offences – the jury hearing that the defence’s case is that the complainant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

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During the trial on Thursday (July 18), Judge Ian Pringle summed up the evidence that the jury had heard, including Charlesworth’s defence.

It was heard that she told the jury she ‘did not willingly take part in any sexual activity’ with the boy.

“He persisted and I did not want him to persist,” she said.

It was heard that earlier in the trial, the complainant told the jury he had initiated the sexual contact but that it was consensual.

Describing one alleged incident, Charlesworth said: “I was asleep and felt something between my legs, I thought it was him working himself off on me.

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“I turned around and said, ‘What are you doing to me?’ and he left the room. We never spoke about it and I thought it may have just been a mistake.”

Describing another alleged incident, she said: “He started pulling me towards himself and he put his hands on my bottom.

“I told him to stop but he did not stop. He pulled me onto him and pulled my trousers down. It did nothing to him.

“I wanted him to stop, I was not a willing participant. I didn’t tell anyone. I felt stupid and embarrassed. I didn’t know if anyone would believe me.

“I did not encourage him, I said nothing.”

Charlesworth described another alleged incident where the complainant had reportedly exposed himself to her and tried to force her to perform a sexual act on him.

“I just closed my eyes,” she said. “I just closed my eyes and hoped that it would finish. He then left. I tried to carry on like nothing happened.”

Charlesworth, of Blackbull Lane, Fencott, said she was arrested on January 28 this year and was interviewed by police.

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She said she was advised nothing to comment by her solicitor.

It was heard that she then went to her doctor to talk about the alleged incidents which was confirmed in medical reports.

The trial continues with the jury expected to retire soon.